Dog-sight Sighting, Alert #62231 Castleton, missing near Knue road/ ivydale
Location Information:
Knue road/ ivydale, , Castleton, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: 7822 ivydale dr.
Contact Information:
Phone: (317) 981-0769
Pet Sighting Information:
Date Pet Was Seen: 09/27/2023
Pet Type: Dog-sight
Pet Size: X-Small (10 lbs & under)
Pet Color: White
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 06:45 am
Placed in building because I cannot personally relocate them safely, and they seemed to recognize the building. I was walking my own dog, who is safe, and she ran straight to us. Seems to be a stray. I did not get a picture, but very small, possibly young yorkie or other small breed. Hopefully still in building 7822 for now.