Lost Dog, Alert #83530 Baby missing near 6128 Liverpool Lane, Lawrence46236
Location Information:
6128 Liverpool Lane, Kensington Farms, Lawrence, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing: {Address Where Pet was Lost:54}
Contact Information:
Phone: (317) 414-9007
Lost Pet Information:
Type of Pet: Dog
Pet’s Name: Baby
Pet Size: X-Small (10 lbs & under)
Color of Pet: White
Date Pet Went Missing: 02/28/2025
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 07:15 pm
Gender: Female
We lost a matted white long haired dog that we had just rescued. We got it from a friend on a reservation. I didn’t know much about her other than she’s not in great and shape. We last saw her around 7:15. She escaped when I was trying to get here out of the car and into the house after our long trip home. We were planning on cleaning her up and taking her to the vet on Monday. Please help me find my Rez dog