Lost Cat, Alert #80216 Sarabi missing near 700n and McCool Rd, valparaiso46385

Location Information:

700n and McCool Rd, field of dreams park neighborhood, valparaiso, Other
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing: {Address Where Pet was Lost:54}

Contact Information:

Phone: (918) 902-0298

Lost Pet Information:

Type of Pet: Cat
Pet’s Name: Sarabi
Pet Size: Small (5 lbs & under)
Color of Pet: Orange
Date Pet Went Missing: 11/17/2024
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 09:01 am
Gender: Female

Sarabi is a 10 year old white and orange/tan female tabby. Wearing a breakaway collar with small unicorns on it and a purple buckle. Sarabi’s most identifiable feature is the small orange mustache under her nose and the splotch of orange/tan on her otherwise pink nose. between 5 and 6lbs. she has never been outside in her life and is shy and hides when nervous.


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