Dog-sight Sighting, Alert #79399 Indianapolis, missing near Mass/ 21st/ Dearborn

Location Information:

Mass/ 21st/ Dearborn, , Indianapolis, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: {Address Where Pet was Seen:54}

Contact Information:

Phone: (305) 205-2156

Pet Sighting Information:

Date Pet Was Seen: 10/29/2024
Pet Type: Dog-sight
Pet Size: X-Large (75-90 lbs)
Pet Color: Black
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 12:00 pm

Two large black dogs wandering together at the Mass/ Dearborn/ 21st St. Intersection. One (female) has a red collar. The other (intact male) does not have a collar. Could not approach, but did get some pictures.

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