Lost Dog, Alert #78392 Halley Jo missing near N Ritter Ave and Lowell Ave, Irvington46219
Location Information:
N Ritter Ave and Lowell Ave, , Irvington, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing: {Address Where Pet was Lost:54}
Contact Information:
Phone: (317) 407-0886
Lost Pet Information:
Type of Pet: Dog
Pet’s Name: Halley Jo
Pet Size: Large (50-75 lbs)
Color of Pet: Red
Date Pet Went Missing: 10/06/2024
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 11:00 pm
Gender: Female
Halley Jo was being watched while we are out of town and broke out of the back gate. She is 9 years old, is as sweet as can be, and loved by our two kiddos. She will likely come if you call. PLEASE call or text if you see her.