Lost Cat, Alert #73890 Juneaux (Juno) missing near Mooresville rd & Lockburn or Mooresville rd and S Mclure st, Decatur Township/Mars Hill46221

Location Information:

Mooresville rd & Lockburn or Mooresville rd and S Mclure st, Mars Hill Goodwin Center/Stephen Decatur Elementary, Decatur Township/Mars Hill, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing: {Address Where Pet was Lost:54}

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 506-6891

Lost Pet Information:

Type of Pet: Cat
Pet’s Name: Juneaux (Juno)
Pet Size: Medium (6-8 lbs)
Color of Pet: Tabby
Date Pet Went Missing: 06/19/2024
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 07:00 pm
Gender: Male

Male cat his name is Juneaux (Juno) he is an indoor cat so he isn’t familiar with our area. He is missing from Mars Hill area Mooresville rd by the Goodwin Center. He is microchipped. Please if you see him or think you seen him call right away.


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