Found Dog, Alert #60020 Indianapolis, southeast side, found near Emerson Ave and English Ave

Location Information:

Emerson Ave and English Ave, Christian Park neigh5, Indianapolis, southeast side, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 513-8608

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 07/11/2023
Type of Pet: Dog
Size of Pet: Medium (25-50 lbs)
Color of Pet: Grey
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 12:00 pm
Gender: Female

We moved into a home in the Christian Park area and this dog had been abandoned in the backyard by prior tenants. She is not confined but she does not ever leave our backyard. Mostly gray female pit bull, some white markings, appears older. She is very skittish and afraid, warmed up to my boyfriend after a few days but we have small kids and animal reactive dogs so we cannot keep her. Unsure of any details regarding past owner, the dog is wearing a collar with a “Home Again” tag. Tried calling to no avail.