Found Dog, Alert #59647 Indianapolis/Greenwood, found near Meridian and County Line Rd

Location Information:

Meridian and County Line Rd, Southcreek Addition, Indianapolis/Greenwood, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 370-2715

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 07/31/2023
Type of Pet: Dog
Size of Pet: X-Small (10 lbs & under)
Color of Pet: Tan
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 02:00 pm
Gender: Female

A very small, sweet Chihuahua was found in the Southcreek Addition at Meridian and County Line Road. She is over the age of 10 and is very fragile. She has no collar and no microchip. She is definitely someone’s pet, she loves being cuddled, she has trimmed nails, and is potty trained.
Proof of ownership is required.