Lost Dog, Alert #56380 Lorenzo missing near Kentucky and troy, Mars hill.. Indianapolis46221

Location Information:

Kentucky and troy, , Mars hill.. Indianapolis,
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing:

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 629-3849

Lost Pet Information:

Type of Pet: Dog
Pet’s Name: Lorenzo
Pet Size: X-Large (75-90 lbs)
Color of Pet: Black
Date Pet Went Missing: 05/15/2023
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 08:50 am
Gender: Male

Rottweiler.. white spot on chest. He favors his back left leg so he may walk a little funny but he runs realllly fast when excited or playing. He is super sweet. He will come to you if you yell chicken or French fry 😂

He doesn’t have on a collar because he got out of it when he got loose.


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